Wednesday, June 20, 2012

... and now it begins

So... I have published Sex, Blood & Rock 'n' Roll onto smashwords and waiting very impatiently for it to show up on the other retailers who sell ebooks.

Impatiently... I am probably one of the most impatient person I know. Maybe it was too much television as a child but I can't wait for anything. We are now in a world were we expect answers right away, immediately... no waiting! Me wait? Are you kidding?

I hated waiting for the publisher to tell me she wasn't interested. I hated formatting my story in the word document before uploading it to the website. I hate waiting for smashwords to answer my email to tell me why I am getting tab errors! And I hate waiting for people to buy my book! LOL

But I do have to admit that this process, although trying on my patience, has been a lot of fun and very exciting. I love hearing what people think of my writing. I want to hear strangers opinions, although it scares the crap out of me to hear negative, I thrive for it. I WANT it.

So the waiting continues... ho hum

below is the link to my book, if your interested ;)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Decision has been made

Well, after a very long waiting process, I have finally heard from the one publisher I submitted my query to. She was not interested, she was nice but just said it didn't intrigue her.

Were my feelings hurt, slightly. But am I upset, not at all.

All this means at this point, is I can finally go onto and self publish. So hopefully in the next day or two (depending how long this process takes) I will be letting you all know when "Sex Blood and Rock 'n' Roll" will be ready for complete download.

Cross your fingers that more then just my friends download my book ;)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sex Blood and still waiting...

So here's my update. I submitted my query in the beginning of March and waited and waited until the proper amount of time (8-10 weeks) to nudge the publisher. But I checked her blog and found that just after I submitted it, she when into a major surgery and was out of commission for over 6 weeks. So I am thinking that she is totally backed up and my emails were getting lost in the back up of other queries! AGH!

Well after my reminder email, I still didn't hear back from her... well it just happens to be that I had the brilliant (so I think lol) idea for the first chapter of my book. So I added it, I think it really brings the reader in to the book quicker. That new first chapter is full of blood and fear ;)

So I emailed the publisher, (after talking to my editor) and asked her if she wanted me to resubmit the book with the new first chapter... she finally wrote back and said absolutely!

So now... I wait... AGAIN! This experience is really a test on my patience.

Blah... I honestly just wish she would let me know, even if she's not interested so I can just go straight self publishing.