Sunday, February 26, 2012

Trying to avoid the repeatative beast

So I am coming to a sad realization that writing an erotic horror series has it's difficulties. The ideas of plot are coming easy, but it's the sex scenes that are becoming a problem.

I don't mean the variety of interesting sex scenes, there I have no problem, sex is easily made interesting. duh! But the language, is where the issue lies. I mean, by the 5th book, how many different ways can you describe an orgasm? I even downloaded some free erotic novels on my iPhone to get some idea of how others wrote. Maybe it was because they were free and not well written but they all seemed the same to me. My story was actually written better, at least in my opinion.

But there has to be better ways to write these scenes without seeming like my vocabulary is limited to words like "passionate, explosion, ecstasy, and urgently".

I guess the best thing to do, since I am not willing to pay do download a better erotic novel is to head to the library... now to just get over the embarrassment of asking the librarian "where do you keep the dirty sex books?"

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sick sick sick today

So I'm feeling like poopie today, big stinky poopie! The only benefit to this is that I will spend my day tomorrow watching Being Human BBC (my research wink wink) And write write write.

I am actually working on my 5th book now... crazy how fast these ideas are coming out of me. I mean I know they need fixing, adding, subracting and changing all together. But damn, the words are just flowing. I mean I wrote short stories for the Adult paper I worked for YEARS ago, and it came so easily then. But I never thought I would be able to write enough to fill up at least 35K work count.

Now as I read all the vampire books I read, I think to myself... dang! I can do that!

I honestly don't know what I am going to do when I am done with this series???? I love these characters so much that I don't know how I would write new characters! That psychic I went to said she only saw 6 books... but I can't imagine stopping then... I guess I'll see.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Went to a psychic

So once in a while, for the fun of it, I will go to this ladies night in Jersey. Food, drinks, (the non alcoholic kind) and a psychic. She is actually pretty good, I've been to her a few times and she has proven herself to me on more then a few times.

So this time I asked about my "project" aka my book. The things she said were interesting, she said she sees six books. Since I am on my forth, six books doesn't seem that unrealistic. But the most interesting of all was that she mentioned that I may have to self publish the first of the series, digitally, like on If I do this and it does well, then a publisher may be interested in the others. Then I get into to work and a friend/co worker says the same thing.

So heres my plan, after my wonderful editor finishes with my book and helps me with my synopsis I will resubmit the book to the private publisher and if she still turns it down, I will self publish on amazon.

I would love to here any thoughts on this???

Thursday, February 9, 2012

First Blog about my writing!

So I'm a graphic designer, I have been one since I graduated from art school. One of the jobs I had was with an adult news paper. In the mist of my laying out ads for hookers and "massage therapists" I also dabbled in writing erotic stories to fill up space. I was pretty good at it and it came pretty easy.

Well that was over ten years and a child ago. Once I had my daughter all those sexual stories of mine seemed to run away from my brain. I'm sure aiming my attentions at being a mother had something to do with it. But now, here I am, 38 years old and I believe that certain "peaks" have been growing inside of me and old interests have been reborn.

With all the new breed of vampire lovers out there all these new and old books about our undead friends have come out of the ground. Now, I have been a huge fan of our old friend Nosferatu since I was a child, way before all these Twilight, True Blood and Vampire Diaries came up to bat. So now that they have become so popular I am eating it up like a zombie enjoying a brain dinner.

But out of all the books I have been reading... and movies I have been enjoying, I always walk away wanting more. Wanting something different. I would drive home from work, coming up with stories in my head about what could be. More sex, more blood, more modern, more east coast.

One day, I was at work and talking to some coworkers when I decided out loud, "Hey, I think I am going to try my hand at writing a vampire book. Well what do you know, a few months later, I had completed the first of what may just be 4 to 6 novella's.

At the moment I am working on the forth book. I submitted the first one to a private publisher who was kind enough to respond telling me that she wasn't going to pick it up right now. But she was also kind enough to be honest and explain why. Telling me that my idea was interesting but my story needed tightening up and I needed to give it to an editor.

Well a few moments on Craigslist and I was emailing editors in search of the right fit. I found him, researched him and we clicked right away. His name is Rich and he has been so helpful so far, turning my rough story into what I hope to be a pretty decent one, good enough for publication.

I'll let you all know how it's going as you follow me on my journey to writing my first book and hopefully getting it published.

I am hoping my fear of finding it in a Dollar Store some day doesn't happen... I will cry. But we won't know until I try. Wish me luck everyone!